Additional Features

A part of the hotel is equipped with recreational and wellness facilities. They include a top-quality solarium, an original Finnish sauna for 12 people and a hydromassage jacuzzi bath for 6 people.

Among our outdoor activities, we recommend paintball as one of the most exciting sports in the world which is played by millions of men and women of all ages, occupations and lifestyles. Mozart Hotel offers a paintball adventure which can be experienced on very attractive grounds, something that you will never forget. This game is popular because the player's strength does not play any role. The winning team is the one which defeats its rival by intelligence, wit and persistence.
This game relieves you from stress and everyday obligations.

Near Mozart, there are paths in a tended illuminated English garden and a calming romantic pond. You can go horseback riding or ride in a horse-drawn carriage across the paths of Bilogora. By choosing anything of the above, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the fresh, clear air of Bilogora, unspoiled nature and the variety of vegetation. Also, you will occasionally come across a forest animal living on the Bilogora hillsides and Virovitica region.